Topics: Circulatory, Artery, Vein - basics Quiz
delivers “cleaned” blood from the liver to the heart
A. hepatic portal vein
B. renal vein
C. aorta
D. vena cava
Select your answer:
Psychiatry Inner Ear Neuroanatomy Tissues Vocabulary Shoulder Health and Diseases Atoms and Radioactivity Muscles Bariatric Surgery and Diabetes ESR (RBC sed rate) Physical Cell Cycle Problems Serology/Blood Typing Molecular Genetics Integrated Science Fat DNA & Types of ReproductionOther quiz:
History of Healthcare › ViewWho were the first to study causes of diseases?
A. Greeks
B. Romans
C. Egyptians
D. Jewish
Respiratory System › View
What is the muscle that helps your lungs to move?
A. Tongue
B. Biceps
C. Diaphragm
D. Gluteus maximus