Topics: Circulatory and Nervous System Quiz
What system is responsible for distribution of nutrients and oxygen in our body?
A. Respiratory System
B. Digestive System
C. Circulatory System
D. Nervous System
Select your answer:
Vessels Oncology Nail Diseases and Disorders Special Senses Bacterial Resistance and Biotechnology Diabetes Mellitus Haematology AEMT EMS Systems Anatomy and Histology Cell Cycle Tissue Repair Pathology Cardio and Resp Disorders Renal System - Pharmacology Common Diseases in Human Beings Respiration Anatomy and PhysiologyOther quiz:
Medical Terminology Prefixes › Viewpoly
A. many, much
B. one, single
C. small, scant
D. around
Orthopedics › View
A. joint
B. bursa
C. cartilage
D. skull