Medical Quiz

Topics: Cell Theory and Microbiology Quiz

What did Robert Hooke observe under a microscope when he used the word “cell” for the first time?

A. Bacteria

B. Plants

C. Cork

D. Animals

Select your answer:


Nervous System: Diseases/Problems/Illnesses Anatomy Bones Asexual/Sexual Reproduction Cardiac & Diseases of Blood Flow Diseases Communicable or non Communicable Cell Bio Physical Education and Health Mycology Endocrine System Terms Visual Impairment Physio Intro Practice Disease Cards Prehabilitation and Conditioning Cell Division Absorption, Lymphatic System, and Blood Vessels

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An infection of the lungs that causes inflammation; causes by a virus, bacterium, fungus or in rare cases up in the lungs making gas exchange difficult

A. pneumonia

B. acute bronchitis

C. dyspnea

D. tuberculosis

Functional Anatomy in Track & Field › View

which event do you need to flex and extend your knee joint?

A. Javein

B. hurdles

C. relay

D. all of the above