Topics: Anatomy and Histology Quiz
What is the classification of synapses based on action?
A. Unmyelinated nerve fiber, Myelinated nerve fiber
B. Excitatory synapse, Inhibitory synapse
C. Chemical synapse, Electrical synapse
D. Axodendritic synapse, Axosomatic synapse
Select your answer:
Basics of Cardiology Metabolic Sauver EMR Pathophysiology Body Fluids & Circulation Nutrition - Digestive System Joints in our Body Physical Fitness Skeletal System Homeostatic Imbalances Food and Health & Bones and Muscles Stem Cells & Cell Differentiation Virus, Bacteria, Immunity Stroke Organisms Cell Cycle Problems Nutrition In AnimalOther quiz:
Musculoskeletal System › ViewIs made up of tissues that work the skeletal system to make the body move. Anytime you move, you know that there is a muscle at work.
A. Digestive System
B. Muscular System
C. Musculoskeletal System
D. Skeletal System
The Cell Cycle & Cancer › View
When does the cytoplasm divide into two individual cells?
A. Prophase
B. Metaphase
C. Telophase
D. Cytokinesis