Water is absorbed from the food we eat by the ______________, which is part of the ___________ system
A. bladder; urinary
B. small intestine; digestive
C. large intestine; digestive
D. kidney; urinary
Select your answer:
Unintentional Injuries Biopsychology - Neuroplasticity and Functional Recovery Safety and First Aid Medical Microbiology Monoclonal Antibodies Bacteria and Viruses Musculoskeletal - Clinical Water Macromolecules Digestion PBS Routine Testing Human Body Stroke Latin & Greek in Medicine Obesity Communicable DiseaseOther quiz:
Skeletal System › ViewBone destroying cells known as osteoclasts are activated by the hormone ______________.
A. calcitonin
B. parathyroid hormone
C. insulin
D. growth hormone
Year 7 Nutrition › View
Bread, cereal, oats, rice and pasta are examples of:
A. Carbohydrates
B. Fats
C. Vegetables
D. Dairy