Medical Quiz

Nervous System Quiz

____________________ is a short branched extension of a neuron that receives impulses from other neurons.

A. axon

B. dendrite

C. cell body

D. nucleus

Select your answer:


BMI, Body Composition and Body Types Diseases & Disorders Disabilities Muscoskeletal System Organisms Human Anatomy Study Guide Cardiology Services Med Terms Vessels Communicable Disease General Anatomy Human Excretory System Biodiversity Basic Structure of the Human Body Endocrine System Disorders Renal

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Child Development › View

“Milestones progress in the same order and build on previous skills learned and mastered” is a description of the characteristic/principle ___

A. Development is constant

B. Development is gradual and continuous

C. Development happens in sequenced steps

D. Development happens at different rates

E. The different domains of development are interrelated.

Anatomy - Cellular Respiration › View

What is the name of the 1st step of cellular respiration?

A. aerobic

B. Kreb’s cycle

C. Glycolysis