What is the meaning of coronary heart disease (CHD)?
A. A disease of the damage septum in heart
B. A disease when you eat a lot of unhealthy food
C. A disease when your coronary arteries become narrower because the plaque buildup
D. A disease when you become lazy to do exercise
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Respiratory Acidosis CV System A&P & Pathology Degeneration Pathology Genetic Engineering Skeletal System Carbohydrates / Fat-soluble Vitamins Biochemistry Lab BMI (Body Mass Index) Doctor Equipments Pediatric Cardiology Agents of Disease Dyslexia Healthcare Systems and Insurance Major Internal Organs of the Body Histology HSOther quiz:
Atoms and Radioactivity › ViewWhat particle is released when an unstable isotope undergoes alpha radiation?
A. a helium nucleus
B. an electron
C. a photon of light
D. a neutron
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Enzyme function is temperature dependent.