Medical Quiz

Fats and Coronary Heart Disease Quiz

Which of the following is not a risk factor to coronary heart disease?

A. high blood pressure

B. diabetes

C. family history

D. physically active

Select your answer:


CPR Ecology & Organisms Shoulder Basic Structure of the Human Body Endocrine System Terms Blood Groups The Human Body Anatomy & Physiology The Cell Psychology, Psychiatry, & Social Work Skin Structure Cell Injury Vaccines Tissues Vet Science Terms Nutrition Vocabulary

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What is the longitudinal depression that runs the length of the spinal cord on the dorsal side?

A. Posterior Median Sulcus

B. Rolandic Fissure

C. Transverse Sulcus

D. Anterior Median Fissure

Muscularskeletal System › View

Bone is constantly repairing and remodeling in response to the body’s need for which substance?

A. iron

B. sodium

C. water

D. calcium