Medical Quiz

Physiology Pathology Quiz

Which blood group is universal donor?

A. AB Negative

B. A Positive

C. O Negative

D. A Negative

Select your answer:


Nutrient Cycling Thyroid Biological Molecules and Enzymes Muscular System Cardiovascular Med Terms Body Fluids Anxiety Disorders Heart Structure and Double Circulation Blood Typing Stroke Cell Cycle; Cancer The Ankle and Lower Leg Body Fluids and Blood Cells Health and Nutrition Cholera

Other quiz:

Urinary System › View

The sac that holds the urine is known as the ?

A. ureter

B. bladder

C. kidney

D. urethra

Bacterial Cell Structure › View

When your body builds a resistance to a virus, it is called an acquired ________.

A. deficiency

B. immunity

C. infection

D. allergy