Medical Quiz

Anatomy and Histology Quiz

What covers the entire muscle, bundles of muscle fibers, and individual muscle fibers?

A. Nervous tissue

B. Adipose tissue

C. Epithelial tissue

D. Connective tissue

Select your answer:


Vocabulary - Health Muscoskeletal Injuries Schizophrenia Endocrine System and Nervous System Regulation of Urine Formation Lymphatic System Virus and Bacteria Proteins, Amino Acids, & Enzymes Circulatory and Respiratory System Cell Membrane and Transport Hospitality Smoking Related Diseases Lifetime Wellness Chronic Diseases Composition Of Human Blood

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Abdominopelvic cavity

A. The enclosed space in the abdomen and pelvis that holds the digestive, urinary, and reproductive organs

B. The position of the body that is used as a reference point when describing the body planes, the location of parts of the body, or the movement of the body.

C. A system of the body that consists of various organs with similar functions.

D. The most basic form of life that makes up every living thing

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Rapid growth during puberty causes your body to release more and more growth hormones. As you grow, more and more growth hormones are released until puberty is reached, and then the hormones stop.

A. Positive Feedback Response

B. Negative Feedback Loop