★ Hematology / Oncology Quiz
What is the most common form of internal bleeding in Hemophilia?
A. Bleeding into joint spaces of knee, ankle, elbow
B. Bleeding in muscles
C. Bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract
D. Intracranial hemorrhage
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Restrictive Respiratory Disorders › ViewThe following are treatments for which restrictive pulmonary disease?
Treat cause: Antibiotics (ABX), fluid, diuretics (get rid of fluid from the lungs)
A. Tuberculosis
C. Pulmonary fibrosis
D. Pneumonia
Cell Structure and Functions › View
What two tissues transport materials throughout the entire plant body?
A. sclerenchyma and xylem
B. phloem and xylem
C. parenchyma and xylem
D. sclerenchyma and collenchyma