Medical Quiz

Endocrine System Quiz

Insulin is produced by

A. the liver

B. the pancreas

C. the kidneys

Select your answer:


MS Neurology Nutrition & Wellness Immunity Cellular Transport and Metabolism Nutrition in Animals Blood Donation Anatomy & Physiology: Respiratory Joints and Range of Motion Healthcare Delivery Systems and Insurance Muscle pathophysiology Gaseous Exchange in Humans Hormones Body System Hematology Skeletal System Vocabulary

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Genes, Chromosomes and Genome › View

People with Tetrasomy X have

A. two extra copies of the X chromosome

B. one less x chromosome

C. two X chromosomes and two Y chromosomes

D. two copies of chromosome 21

Nervous System › View

The _________ is responsible for sending messages between the brain and the rest of the body.

A. skull

B. spinal cord

C. backbone

D. nerve