Medical Quiz

The Chemistry of Microbiology Quiz

How do antacid tablets work to relieve indigestion and/or a sour stomach?

A. They decrease the pH of the stomach to lessen the acidity.

B. They increase the pH of the stomach to lessen the acidity.

C. They increase the acidity to help break down food matter in the stomach.

D. They maintain the current pH of the stomach.

Select your answer:


EMR - Trauma Diagnostic Tools Biology Viruses Major Internal Organs of the Body Inherited & Acquired Traits Somatotypes Medical Careers Surgical Vocabulary Pathogens - Bacteria and Viruses Lifetime Wellness Orthopedics Carbohydrates and Proteins Musculoskeletal System Health and Disease

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In Reabsorption process nearly _____ percent of filtrate is reabsorbed by renal tubules to release 1.5 lit urine/ day from 180 lit filtrate formed per day

A. 93

B. 95

C. 97

D. 99

Diabetes Mellitus › View

……………… is considered as an autoimmune disease where there are anti insulin or anti-islet cell antibodies present in blood.

A. DM – II

B. DM – I

C. Insulin resistance

D. Hypoglycemia