Medical Quiz

Gaseous Exchange in Humans Quiz

Tiny air sacs for gaseous exchange . It looks like grape

A. Alveolus

B. Blood capillary

C. Lung

D. Trachea

Select your answer:


Diagnostic Tools Mental Health General Anatomy Cardiovascular System Anatomy Cell Cycle; Cancer Terms for The Skeletal System Muscle Histology Nail Diseases and Disorders Enzymes and ATP Structure Lung & Breathing Introduction to Pharmacology Skin Appendages Cell Membrane and Transport Hematology / Oncology Macromolecules & Enzymes

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_________ is made inside our bones

A. skeleton

B. blood

C. juice

D. coffee

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If there is a massive bleeding from a wound that may lose a lot of blood it may result in what type of anemia?

A. Pernicious anemia

B. Polycythemia

C. Acute Hemorrhagic anemia

D. anemia