Medical Quiz

Structures and Functions of Living Organisms and Genetics Quiz

Which is a characteristic that single-celled and multi-celled organisms have in common?

A. Both need food and water to survive.

B. Both need many specialized cells to survive.

C. Both are dependent on other cells to survive.

D. Both are large and need lots of space to survive.

Select your answer:


Biology Assessment Brain Renal & Neural Chest, Back, Abs Bacterial Resistance and Biotechnology Bone Development and Remodeling Musculoskeletal Diseases Histology - Tissues Bacteria and Protist Review Prokaryotic Cells and Viruses Principle of Health Science Micro Immunology Protozoan Diseases Cell Structure and Functions Year 7 Nutrition

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There is an excessive amount of body fats.



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Exposure to toxic gases , Smooking, Poor nutrition, Bacterial/ viral infection, is the causes of

A. Bronchitis

B. Alergic of cat

C. Pneunomia

D. Rachitis