Medical Quiz

Musculoskeletal System Quiz

How are skeletal muscles typically arranged?

A. In parallel

B. In series

C. As opposing pairs

D. Randomly

Select your answer:


Digestion MS Neurology Nutrition and Human Digestive System Transport System SSTI and Bone Infections Muscular Breath Cellular Respiration Special Senses Latin & Greek in Medicine Protein Synthesis Enzymes PBS Routine Testing Thyroid Alzheimer Disease Human Health

Other quiz:

Thrombosis, Emboliya › View

Indicate the possible consequences of thrombosis in the veins of the human legs:

A. Pulmonary artery thromboembolism

B. cerebral artery embolism

C. portal hypertension

D. renal vascular embolism

E. Intestinal vascular embolism

Vision › View

What part of your eye sends the messages to and from your brain?

A. retina

B. optic nerve

C. iris

D. vitreous humor