Medical Quiz

DNA Structure and Function Quiz

what kind of bond holds the nitrogen base pairs together in a DNA strand?

A. nitrogen bond

B. carbohydrate bond

C. hydrogen bond

D. sugar bond

Select your answer:


Characteristics of Life & Viruses Cell Cycle; Cancer Ortho Ward Simulation Forensics Terms Diabetes Mellitus Genes and Cells Body Systems Maximal Oxygen Consumption (VO2 Max) Skeletal System Vocabulary Obesity Transport system in Living Things (Human) The Energy Nutrients The Nervous System and The Senses Types of Reproduction Nutrition

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Microbiology › View

Diapedesis is the

A. production of only red blood cells.

B. migration of white blood cells from the blood out to the tissues.

C. plugging of broken vessels to stop bleeding.

D. loss of blood due to hemorrhaging.

Name that Pathogen › View

I do my job by the infection and destruction of the cell’s body immune system (T-helper cells, macrophages and brain cells)



C. Cholera

D. Malaria