Medical Quiz

Metabolism Quiz

The chemical reaction between oxygen and glucose that releases energy into cells.

A. Metabolism

B. Digestive System

C. Cellular Respiration

D. Respiratory System

Select your answer:


How the Eyes work Healthy Living The Musculoskeletal System Diseases of The Body Systems Medication Administration Personal Growth Plan World Health Day Biopsychology - Neuroplasticity and Functional Recovery Obesity Normal Radiographic Anatomy Integumentary System Medical Terminology Hospital Wards and Departments Digestive System and Nutrition Oncology Introduction to Histology

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Why does the system should be gas spacific?

A. To ensure quality of specific delivered gas

B. To ensure no possibility of cross connection between systems

C. To separate the harmful effect of different gases

D. All of the above

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Homeostasis in the human body is often maintained by a: 

A. neutral feedback loop 

B. solar feedback loop

C. positive feedback loop

D. negative feedback loop