Medical Quiz

Genetics Quiz

In the cross AaBbCc × AaBbCc, what is the probability of producing the genotype AABBCC?

A. 1/14

B. 1/24

C. 1/44

D. 1/64

Select your answer:


Vascular Vitamin Uses of Radioactive Radiation Perioperative Nursing Care Types of Reproduction Integumentary System: Skin Disorder Environmental Biotechnology Alzheimer Disease Transportation Cosmetology Anatomy Health issue related to immune system Muscles and Healthy Body Pulmonology/Respiratory Monoclonal Antibodies Tenses

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Which is NOT an example of biotechnology?

A. Selective breeding of bananas for size and taste

B. Genetically engineering pesticide resistant crops

C. Hunting and eating buffalo

D. Domesticating and milking cows

BMI, Body Composition and Body Types › View

Ideal choice of sport for Endomorphs can be?

A. weightlifting

B. marathon running

C. Long jump