Medical Quiz

Respiration Anatomy and Physiology Quiz

when the diaphragm moves downward and the force is transferred to the lower ribs moving them outward, the pressure rises and the lower rib cage….

A. expands

B. shrinks

C. rests

D. contracts

Select your answer:


Vision and Hearing Defects Vision & Hearing Proteins Blood Groups EMR - Trauma Pathophysiology - Adaptive Immunity Cancer & Cell Cycle Nervous System/Endocrine System Biological Molecules Environmental Biotechnology ADVBIO Genetics Antibiotic in Orthopaedics Year 7 Nutrition Digestion and Microbes Arteries

Other quiz:

Infectious Diseases & the WHO › View

Which virus kills more people than any other annually and over time?

A. Black Plague

B. Covid

C. Flu

D. Malaria

Transportation › View

The thickest and strongest blood vessel is the

A. vein

B. artery

C. capillary

D. both veins and capillaries