Medical Quiz

Bacteriology Quiz

crystal violet during gram staining of bacteria is retained in ?

A. gram positive

B. gram negative

C. ziehl neelson stain

D. none of the above

Select your answer:


Epithelial Integumentary and Musculoskeletal System Mitosis for Mya Eczema Factors Affecting Health Heart Vocab and Blood Flow Pathway Sensory System Anatomy and Pathology Skeleton and Muscles Cell Theory The Cell Nutrition and Biochemistry Vocabulary Pancreas Anatomy and Histology of Stomach Healthy Living Vocabulary Nutrition in Animals

Other quiz:

Nutrition › View

Which of the following assist in digestion by keeping movement and bulk in the stool?

A. Monosaccharides

B. Fiber

C. Lipids

D. Amino Acids

Metabolic Sauver › View

Metabolic Sauver is manufactured in which country?

A. Japan

B. Singapore

C. Taiwan

D. Australia