Medical Quiz

Introduction to Histology Quiz

He examined a thinly sliced piece of cork using lenses

A. Robert Hooke

B. Leeuwenhoek

C. Robert Brown

D. Von Mohl

Select your answer:


Tissues of The Body Year 7 Nutrition Effect of Exercise on Cardio Respiratory System & Muscular Reproduction Cariology Skin Growth Transportation Cell Injury Immunity and Vaccines Communicable Diseases and Immune Response (OCR) CLPT, M.Pharmacy, Pharmaceutics; Regulatory Affairs Health and Wellness Hormones Anatomy - Cellular Respiration Musculoskeletal Anatomy: Knee

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Patho_Genetics › View

Metabolic Autosomal Recessive Disorder include

A. Thalassemia

B. Cystic Fibrosis

C. Both A and B

D. None of the Above

Non-Communicable Disease › View

Lack of Vitamin A causes _________

A. Night blindness

B. Goitre

C. Rickets

D. Beri Beri