Medical Quiz

Integumentary System: Skin Disorder Quiz

Your fingerprints are formed in this layer of skin.

A. Papillary Dermis

B. Epidermis

C. Reticular Dermis

D. Hypodermis

Select your answer:


Vitals Parathyroid Gland Introduction to Mycology Joints and Range of Motion Food and Health & Bones and Muscles Diseases Name that Pathogen Skeletal Muscle Anatomy Cancer & Cell Cycle Disease Prevention Polio Virus and Bacteria Nephrology (Hemodialysis) CVA Dyslexia

Other quiz:

Pollution › View

How can global warming cause sea levels to rise? Choose the best answer.
A. by causing it to rain more often
B. by melting glaciers and ice caps
C. by increasing the number of undersea volcanic eruptions
D. by creating bigger and more powerful hurricanes

Human Urinary System › View

Blood entering the glomerulus under ______________ because the diameter of the afferent arteriole is ____________ than the diameter of efferent arteriole.

A. low hydrostatic pressure, smaller

B. high hydrostatic pressure, larger

C. high hydrostatic pressure, smaller

D. low hydrostatic pressure, larger