Medical Quiz

Neuron Structure Quiz

May receive neurotransmitters

A. dendrites

B. cell body

C. axon

D. axon terminals

Select your answer:


Disorders of The Joints Children Well-being Pathogens - Bacteria and Viruses Stroke Skin Structure Muscular System The Respiratory System Visual Impairment Serology/Blood Typing Anatomy - Muscle Histology/NMJ/Physiology Pathogens Dyslexia Speed, Flexibility part of Components of Physical Fitness Cell - Fundamental Unit of Life Cell Reproduction

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Medical Terminology Gastroinestinal Gastroenterology › View

The medical term esophagoplasty means:

A. To cut into the esophagus

B. Surgical removal of the esophagus

C. Surgical repair of the esophagus

D. To create a new opening in the esophagus

E. To aspirate fluid from the esophagus

Integumentary System › View

When there is small cut in the skin only the epidermis is injured. How is this cut repaired?

A. The skin will bleed

B. Cells deep in the epidermis divide to replace the lost or injured cells.

C. The skin cannot repair itself