Medical Quiz

Skin Growth Quiz

a structure out of which strands of hair grow

A. Follicles

B. Pores

C. Head

D. Eyelashes

Select your answer:


HFT Vitamins Muscle Tissue Respiratory Deficiency Disease Nursing Vocabulary Biomedical Pulse Physio Intro Practice Health and The Environment DNA Replication Arteries Parts of the Skin Digestion Blood Formation and Clotting Blood clotting

Other quiz:

Mutations, Replication, and Cancer › View

What are two potential contributing factors that may lead to high rates of cancer in sea lions?

A. genetic factors and pollutants in the water

B. obesity and genetic factors

C. pollutants in the water and age

D. age and obesity

Patho_Genetics › View

Enzyme defect consequence in a1-antitrypsin deficiency

A. Accumulation of the substrate

B. Metabolic block and a decreased amount of end product

C. Failure to inactivate a tissue-damaging substrate

D. Defective transport into cells