Medical Quiz

Microbiology Quiz

A mosquito can spread the West Nile Virus but remains unaffected by the disease. Which best describes the mosquito?

A. vector

B. parasite

C. mutagen

D. pathogen

Select your answer:


Hospital Unit DNA and RNA Structures Antibiotic in Orthopaedics Gaseous Exchange in Humans Illness and Symptoms Anatomy Respiratory System The Energy Nutrients Cellular and Sexual Reproduction Carbohydrates, Proteins and Lipids Med Term Musculoskeletal Cell Theory and Cellular Structure Wellness Vocabulary Asexual/Sexual Reproduction Innate Immunity Anatomy - Cellular Respiration

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Which is false about asexual reproduction?

A. It requires only one parent

B. It requires less energy

C. Gametes are involved

D. Offspring are genetically identical

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In the degradation studies of aspirin suspension the orders observed initially and at the end

A. First, second

B. First,zero

C. Second,first

D. Zero, first