Medical Quiz

Human Body Quiz

Why is first degree burn more painful than third degree burn?

A. The outer layer burnt during 1st degree has lots of pain receptors.

B. The innermost layer of the skin burnt during 3rd degree has many nerve endings that feels pain.

C. The outermost layer during 1st degree burns have lots of fats leaking.

D. none of the above

Select your answer:


Germs & Diseases Blood Pressure Human Urinary System Nutrient Cycling Musculoskeletal Respiratory Pituitary, Thyroid and Adrenal Dermis Parts of the Skin Skin and Derivatives Nervous System and Special Senses Fish Health Management Respiratory System Nervous System: Diseases/Problems/Illnesses Dentistry

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Responsible for providing and maintaining a sanitary and therapeutic environment in which health care can be appropriately delivered.

A. therapeutic

B. environmental support

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