Medical Quiz

Neurological Concepts Quiz

describe the term muscle spindles

A. proprioceptors that are located in the skeletal muscles that provide a constant flow of information regarding length, tension and load on the muscles

B. proprioceptors that are embedded in skeletal muscles insertion and detect tension in the tendon of a contracting muscle

C. interconnected neurons that attach to fibers of the muscles and pull against them

Select your answer:


Human Health Types of Doctors Anatomy and Physiology Skeletal System Protein and Amino Acid Metabolism Food for Thought Facial & Dental Injuries Cell Vocabulary Fish Health Management Cardiovascular and Respiratory Biochemistry: Carbohydrates and Lipids Phlebotomy Medical Terminology BMI, Body Composition and Body Types Dementia Dermatosis Fluid and Electrolytes

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A. Friendly bacteria

B. Neutral bacteria

C. Pathogenic bacteria

D. Harmless bacteria