Medical Quiz

Knee Anatomy Quiz

The two (2) main joints that make up the knee are the:

A. Tibiotalar and talocrural

B. Radioulnar and sternoclavicular

C. Patellofemoral and tibiofemoral

D. Calcaneofibular and tibiofemoral

Select your answer:


Circulatory & Lymphatic Metabolic Sauver Mechanical Digestion Skin Appendages Nutrition in Animals Human Brain Obesity Chronic Diseases Nervous, Musculoskeletal Systems, Integumentary Systems Innate Immunity Hematology Acute Leukemias Smoking Related Diseases Skin Diseases Disability Etiquette & Physical Activities Aerobic- Cardio Respiratory Endurance

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Pathophysiology › View

The reduction in mass of the muscles and bones of the legs of paraplegic people is an example of this adaptive response.

A. Atrophy

B. Hypertrophy

C. Hyperplasia

D. metaplasia

E. Dysplasia

Pathology › View

What is the rationale behind using plasma exchange or plasmapheresis in GBS treatment?

A. To eliminate the infectious agent causing GBS

B. To reduce the levels of circulating antibodies

C. To restore electrolyte balance in the nervous system

D. To boost the immune response against the pathogen