A regulated program, especially one designed to improve or maintain health
A. geriatric
B. outpatient
C. privilege
D. regimen
Select your answer:
DNA and Genetic Manipulation Excretion-Dialysis Iron Kinetics Bacterial Growth Fungi/Bacteria/Biotechnology Health and Nutrition Diseases Communicable or non Communicable Eye Histology Disease Prevention Energy and Metabolism Circulatory and Nervous System Pulse Careers in Health Care Cell Division Disease & ImmunityOther quiz:
Cardiorespiratory System › ViewBesides delivering oxygen to your muscles, what is another important function of the cardiorespiratory system?
A. Eliminating carbon dioxide from cells
B. Obtaining nutrients from food
C. Absorbing vitamins
D. Eliminating carbon monoxide from cells
Respiratory System › View
Where does the gas exchange happen in the respiratory system?
A. alveoli
B. bronchi
C. larynx
D. bronchiole