Medical Quiz

Orthopaedic Neurology Quiz

Trauma to axillary Nerve/C5 root wi cause damage to dermatome that runs from

A. Summit of shoulder to elbow lateral

B. Left upper hip to knee

C. Lateral calf over great toe

D. Over the radial aspect of the wrist and thumb

Select your answer:


Muscle Tissues Eye in Color Vision How the Eyes work Year 7 Nutrition Medical Suffixes Disease Prevention Mouth - Stomach The Musculoskeletal System Organisms The Cardiovascular System: Blood Vessels and Hemodynamics Illnesses and Diseases in Caregiving SPED Law-lympics Aseptic Technique & Sterile Comp Review Facial & Dental Injuries The Skeletal System

Other quiz:

Cellular Components › View

Which cell would be best for studying lysosomes?

A. muscle cell

B. nerve cell

C. phagocytic white blood cell

D. bacterial cell

Genetics › View

The respiratory system contains the

A. heart and blood vessels

B. stomach, esophagus, small and large intestines

C. bladder and kidneys

D. lungs, bronchi, and trachea