Medical Quiz


According to the international 10/20 system to measure EEG, odd number denotes which side of the brain?

A. a) left

B. b) right

C. c) top

D. d) front

Select your answer:


Normal Radiographic Anatomy What is Psychology? General Microbiology and Immunology Health and Disease Absorption, Lymphatic System, and Blood Vessels Health Issues and Concerns Excretion in Humans Inflammation and Tissue Repair DNA & Types of Reproduction Carbohydrates / Fat-soluble Vitamins Paeds Edema Cardiovascular Physiology - Function Psychology Nutritional Measurements Circulatory and Lymphatic System

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In the degradation studies of aspirin suspension the orders observed initially and at the end

A. First, second

B. First,zero

C. Second,first

D. Zero, first

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The pathophysiology of generalised edema in liver failure is

A. Hypoalbuminemia

B. esophageal varices

C. cholestasis

D. cirrhosis of the liver