This form of government exists when a single ruler has absolute control over people’d lives:
A. Dictatorship
B. Oligarchy
C. Representative Democracy
D. Direct Democracy
Select your answer:
Pulmonary Edema and CHF Obesity Digestive and Circulatory System Disease and Immunity Consciousness and Sleep Circulatory, Artery, Vein - basics Medical Terminology Pituitary, Thyroid and Adrenal Hospitality Organ Systems Wellness Vocabulary Anatomy & Physiology Musculoskeletal System Responses to Exercises Disabilities Adaptive Immune SystemOther quiz:
Human Excretory System › ViewThe high pressure capillary network that pushes fluid out of the bloodstream is the:
A. Proximal Tubule
B. Distal Tubule
C. Loop of Henle
D. Glomerulus
Histology - Tissues › View
What is the job of wandering cells?
A. fetch necessary components for cellular metabolism
B. bind separate areas together
C. respond to injury or infection
D. find their way to cells that need assistance