★ Advanced Stretching SM2 Quiz
What stimulates the activity of muscle spindle
A. Stretch
B. Strength
C. Golgi tendon organ
Select your answer:
Cell Membrane and Transport Biological Molecules Blood Formation and Clotting Common Diseases in Human Beings Brain History of Healthcare Psychiatry Oronasal Suctioning Homeostasis Nail Diseases and Disorders Multicellular Organisms: Organisation Endocrine System Terms Living Organisms Cell Transport Burns and Skin CancerOther quiz:
HHB Immunology › Viewevents following a second exposure to an antigen
A. secondary immune response
B. self antigen
C. antibody
Nail Enhancement › View
The thickest nails adhesives that require more drying time are:
A. gels
B. liquids
C. creams
D. brush-ons