Medical Quiz

Food Quiz

We eat roots of _______

A. Mustard

B. Rajma

C. Chilli

D. Radish

Select your answer:


Eye in Color Vision Sexual Reproduction Pollution Biomedical Vitamin Physical Fitness Bacteria, Viruses, Protozoa Fungi Structures and Functions of Living Organisms and Genetics Reproduction in Human Beings Monoclonal Antibodies Anatomy & Physiology: Respiratory Blood & Blood Vessels Pediatrics Cell Reproduction Muscles

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The body of a plant is made up of organs called roots, ________, and leaves.

A. vacuole

B. stems

C. cones

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Regarding Leptospirosis all are true except

A. It is caused by Gram negative Spirochete

B. Human to human spread via urine is the most common route of infection

C. Leptospira can’t penetrate intact skin

D. Frequency increases in monsoon and after floods