Medical Quiz

Malaria Quiz

How do humans get malaria?

A. Ingesting contaminated food

B. Getting bitten by a vector

C. Swimming in an infected lake

D. Using a homemade solution for contact lenses

Select your answer:


Disease Prevention Environment Circulation of Blood Children Well-being Vision and Light Anatomy of the Eye Innate Immunity Urinalysis/ Immunology Make up AEMT EMS Systems Cell and Tissue The Human Body Nutrition in Humans and Animals Counseling: Fact or Myth? Nerve Injuries in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Cell Cycle Problems

Other quiz:

Skeletal System › View

The porous, honeycomb-like bone that fills the inside of short, flat, and irregular bones, and the epiphyses or ends of long bones.

A. cortical bone

B. spongy bone

C. osteons

Tracheostomy Care › View

A client has a tracheostomy inserted due to copious amounts of tracheobronchial secretions r/t pneumonia. What is the primary purpose for a trach on this person?

A. Increasing the size of the airway for better oxygenation.

B. Improving oxygenation to the brain and essential organs.

C. To prevent trauma from oral or nasal suctioning to the patient.

D. Airway maintenance and removal of excess mucous secretions.