Medical Quiz

Human Genome and Bioethics Review Quiz

Which technique would most likely be used by forensic scientist?
A. Gene cloning
B. Gene therapy 
C. DNA fingerprinting 
D. Karyotyping 

Select your answer:


Energy, Hydrology, Microbiology Health issue related to immune system Autism Awareness Normal Radiographic Anatomy Infection Bone Shapes & Long Bone Anatomy Carbohydrates and Proteins Oral Hygiene Children Well-being Muscle pathophysiology Humanistic and Biological Psychology Musculoskeletal System Responses to Exercises Trichology Diseases of The Body Systems Properties of the Hair

Other quiz:

AEMT EMS Systems › View

Emergency medical responders (EMRs), such as police officers, are necessary because:

A. they have a higher scope of practice than an emergency medical technician.

B. the presence of person trained and able to provide BLS cannot be ensured.

C. they can provide a limited number of advanced life support procedures.

D. they can provide primary patient care during transport to the hospital.

Unintentional Injuries › View

You are giving first aid to a person with a muscle, bone or joint injury. Emergency medical services (EMS) has been called. What should you do until they arrive?

A. Bandage the injured body part.

B. Apply cold if the person can tolerate it, and watch the person for signs and symptoms of shock.

C. Splint the injury to immobilize it.

D. All of the above