Medical Quiz

ology & phobia Quiz

the study of humans

A. anthropology

B. dermatology

C. graphology

D. sociology

Select your answer:


Pain Management Motor Neuron Disease Major Nutrients Illnesses and Diseases in Caregiving Nail Diseases and Disorders PHE The Circulatory System Aseptic Technique & Sterile Comp Review Immunology: T cell Development Human Excretory System Carbohydrate Metabolism Inherited & Acquired Traits Introduction to Mycology Sensory Disorder Special Senses

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What does the green zone mean on an asthma action plan?

A. You need medical attention immediately!

B. Your asthma is getting worse.

C. You are doing well.

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Microorganisms that take up carbon (a chemical) from their organic energy source (fats, carbs, proteins).

A. Chemoautotrophs

B. Heterotrophs

C. Chemoheterotrophs

D. Photoautotrophs