Medical Quiz

Cells and Organ Systems Quiz

What is the last part of the large intestine called?
A. pancreas
B. esophagus
C. appendix
D. rectum

Select your answer:


Chronic Diseases Pulse Macromolecules and Enzymes Blood Cells Characteristics of Life & Viruses Fats And Oil Teeth and Microbes Neurology Nutrient Cycling Animal Genetics and Nutrition Respiration in Organisms Defence against Infectious Diseases Cardiovascular System Anatomy Disorders of The Joints Inhalation Injury

Other quiz:

Virus › View

A photograph of a virus is shown below. The projections on the surface of the virus allows the virus to?

A. Most inside a host cell

B. Control a host cell’s DNA

C. Attach to a host cell

D. Signal other viruses to infect a host cell

HNBS Intern › View

The vagal system includes the following, except:

A. VI cranial nerve

B. Cranial portion of XI cranial nerve

C. IX cranial nerve

D. X cranial nerve