Medical Quiz

Healthy Living Quiz

What disease would you get when you smoke?

A. Pancreatitous

B. Stomach Cancer

C. Abdominal Pain

D. Lung Disease

Select your answer:


Sensory System Anatomy and Pathology Non-Communicable Disease Nail Diseases and Disorders Factors that Affect Health and Wellness Microorganism - Diseases Cybersecurity in Healthcare Blood Donation Facial & Dental Injuries Immunity & Cancer Ecology & Organisms Osteoporosis Bone Shapes & Long Bone Anatomy Human Anatomy Study Guide Ankle Injuries Philosophy

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Which among the following is not a function of Tapetum

A. Transport of nutrients

B. Synthesis of callase

C. Recognition of compatible pistil

D. Growth of pollen tube

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What is the job of an enzyme?

A. It gets broken down in a chemical reaction.

B. It gets denatured each time a reaction occurs.

C. It has an active site.

D. It changes the rate (speed) of a chemical reaction.