The flow of blood between the heart and cells of body
A. Systemic circulation
B. Pulmonary circulation
C. Oxygenated blood
D. Deoxygenated blood
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Medical, Legal, and Ethical Issues Blood Cells BMI, Body Composition and Body Types Humanistic and Biological Psychology Breath Integumentary System Biology Fitness Head and Neck Anatomy Anatomy & Physiology: Respiratory Respiratory Acidosis Pulse Diseases of Digestive System Selective Breeding Reproductive System VocabularyOther quiz:
Nutrition › ViewWhich is an example of a type of Carbohydrate?
A. Sugars
B. Fats
C. Proteins
D. Minerals
Breath › View
Terminal types of breathing include:
A. Kussmaul breathing, gasping-breathing
B. apnea, Kussmaul breathing, bradypnoe
C. tachypnoe, gasping breathing, eupne
D. apneastic breathing, polypous
E. bradypnoe, Chain-Stokes, dyspnea