Medical Quiz

STNA (State Tested Nursing Assistant) Quiz

A resident drinks six ounces of water. How many millimeters is this?

A. 120 mL

B. 160 mL

C. 180 mL

D. 200 mL

Select your answer:


Knee Anatomy Body System RDA Dental Caries Brain/Neuron Anatomy Effect of Exercise on Cardio Respiratory System & Muscular Dyslexia Genes and Cells Characteristics of Life & Viruses Physical fitness , Wellness and Lifestyle Biomedical Immunology Fats and Coronary Heart Disease Medical, Legal, and Ethical Issues Cardiovascular Med Terms All About Bacteria

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Pathology - Cellular Injury › View

Which of the following can result from nutrient deficiencies?

A. Genetic abnormalities

B. Immunological dysfunctions

C. Abnormal metabolic processes

D. Overnutrition

Nervous System › View

The part of the neuron that insulates the axon and increases the speed of the neural message within the neuron.

A. Synapse

B. Dendrite

C. Myelin Sheath

D. Axon Terminal Button