Medical Quiz

Biology Quiz

Which form of reproduction requires two parents to contribute to the formation of the new individual?

A. sexual

B. asexual

Select your answer:


Medication Administration Source of Food Heart and Circulatory System Excretory and Musculoskeletal System Microbes Health and Wellness Nutrition Vocabulary Renal System - Pharmacology Immune Cells Faction The Musculoskeletal and Integumentary Systems Facial & Dental Injuries Respiration Anatomy and Physiology Cholera Limitation of Senses Pituitary, Thyroid and Adrenal

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Skeletal Tissue › View

Small channels that radiate through the matrix of bone.

A. Osteoblast

B. Osteoclast

C. Canaliculi

D. Lamellae

Nervous System › View

The spaces between the covered parts of an axon are called:  

A. synaptic clefts

B. nodes of Ranvier

C. Ventricles

D. Vesicles