Medical Quiz

Levels of Organization Quiz

The reaction of your body to possibly threatening, challenging or uncomfortable events.

A. stress

B. tension

C. emphasis

D. anxiety

Select your answer:


Inherited & Acquired Traits The Human Body Parts of the Brain Fat Protein Synthesis Enzymes Pulmonary System Circulation of Blood Physical How the Eyes work Cardiovascular Diseases Musculoskeletal System Disease as a Failure of Homeostasis Medical Terminology Brain, Neurons and The Nervous System Sterile Medication Products

Other quiz:

Eye Histology › View

True/False: The lens can change shape to focus light and also varies depending on species.



Characteristics of Life › View

All organisms contain instruction molecules that help determine which traits the organism will have is an example of 

A. universal genetic code (DNA/RNA)

B. metabolism

C. evolution

D. growth and development