Medical Quiz

Nervous System Quiz

Which part of the neuron receives messages from other neurons?

A. Myelin Sheath

B. Dentrite

C. Axon

D. Synapse

Select your answer:


Illnesses and Diseases in Caregiving Physical Fitness Biochemistry Vocabulary Health - Nutrition Biology Assessment Nutrition in Animals Hemodynamic Disorder Infant Nutrition Musculoskeletal Anatomy: Knee Anatomy Muscles Pathology - Chronic Inflammation Wellness Vocabulary Normal Radiographic Anatomy Toxicology Pollution

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Fungul infection of the feet also known as athletes foot

A. Bruised nail bed

B. Pincer nail

C. Tinea pedis

D. Eggshell nail

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Roughage helps in

A. Protecting our body from diseases.

B. Eliminates undigested food from body

C. providing energy

D. Build and repair our body parts