Medical Quiz

Eye and Ear Quiz

Which of the following is true?

A. Cone cells detect light and dark

B. Rods focus light

C. Cones detect color

D. Rods detect color

Select your answer:


Infectious Diease Healthy Foundations Cell Theory & Melanoma A Treat For Mosquitoes Muscle Histology Anatomical Terminology Genetic Engineering Muscoskeletal System Blood/Lymphatic/Immune Disability Etiquette & Physical Activities Coronary Heart Diseases Latin & Greek in Medicine Cardiovascular Diseases Joints Anxiety Disorders

Other quiz:

Diseases of The Body Systems › View

What is an acute disease?

A. A disease that can be passed from one person to another

B. A disease that cannot be spread from one person to another

C. A disease that lasts a long time

D. A disease that lasts a short time

The Musculoskeletal System › View

Why are the bones of the wrist and ankle not fused

A. To provide greater strength

B. To provide greater mobility

C. To make the wrist and ankle lighter

D. So more muscles can attach to those bones.