Medical Quiz

Immune System Quiz

As seen in many patients with lupus, the hallmark “butterfly rash” appears

A. On the chest or back

B. Across the nose and cheeks

C. Across the pelvis

D. Between the shoulder blades

Select your answer:


Non-infectious Disease Meiosis and intro to Genetics Cellular Transport and Metabolism Radiology Infection Control Lungs Dental Caries Defence against Infectious Diseases Diabetes Pathophysiology Excretion-Dialysis Breathing ...Respiration Muscle Tissue Urinary Absorption, Lymphatic System, and Blood Vessels CP A&P: Cardiovascular ICU

Other quiz:

Cell and Tissue › View

Which is the main constituent of cell wall?

A. Cellulose

B. Pectin

C. Starch

D. Proteins

Body Systems › View

Plants have many cells that have specialised functions and work together to keep the plant alive. This means that plant are ______.

A. Vascular

B. Nonvascular

C. Unicellular

D. Multicellular