Medical Quiz

Skin Diseases Quiz

A patient came to a clinic with skin infection on the face. There were fiery red rash with raised edges that can be easily distinguished from the skin around it. The affected skin was warm to the touch. The patient was also having fever and chills. What is the diagnosis?

A. Erysipelas

B. Necrotising fasciitis

C. Folliculitis

D. Impetigo

Select your answer:


Health & Wellness Vocabulary Healthcare Systems and Settings Skin Appendages Organ Senses and Locomotor System Protozoan Diseases Child Development The Cell Digestion and Absorption of Carbohydrates Inflammation and Healing Hospital Wards and Departments Pathology Endocrine Personal Growth Plan Fat Breathing System Molecular Genetics

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Population Ecology › View

Demography is the study of:
A. world economic conditions
B. mountains and other physical features on the landscape
C. urban areas
D. statistics related to the changing structure of human population

Anatomy and Physiology › View

Identify structure number 1

A. sweat gland

B. hair follicle

C. sweat pore

D. epidermis