Medical Quiz

Skel, Musc, Nerv, Circ, Resp Quiz

Which type of muscles are used when a person walks?

A. cardiac muscle

B. smooth muscle

C. joints and tendons

D. skeletal muscles

Select your answer:


Macromolecules & Enzymes Sources Of Food Eye Histology Skin Appendages Cell Biology & Biotechnology Heart Structure and Double Circulation Eye and Ear Acute Responses to Exercise Thyroid Pathology Introduction Cell Injury Biotechnology Bacteria & Viruses DNA, RNA, Proteins Molecular Genetics Integrated Science Health and Disease

Other quiz:

Infectious Disease and Pathogens › View

Viruses can infect

A. animals

B. bacteria

C. protists

D. all of the above

Cell Reproduction › View

If an organism reproduces asexually, its offspring will most likely be…

A. genetically identical to the parent

B. genetically different from each other

C. produced from specialized cells known as gametes

D. A mutant