Medical Quiz

The Brain Quiz

Functions include initiating voluntary movement, working memory, personality, and higher cognitive functions such as decision-making and judgment.

A. Frontal lobe

B. Parietal lobe

C. Occipital lobe

D. Temporal lobe

Select your answer:


Health and Disease Sexual Reproduction Circulatory and Nervous System Mnt For Pulmonary Disease and Adverse Reactions to Food Humanistic and Biological Psychology Hemodynamics Tissues Vet Science Terms Heart and Blood Vessels Cancer (Bio II) Breath Contemporary Nutrition Issues Microbes and Infectious Disease Oncology BTEC Biological Approach Revise How the Eyes work

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Which of the following is an infection associated to contact lens wearer?

A. Neiserria gonorrhoea

B. Herpes simplex virus

C. Staphylococcus aureus

D. Acanthamoeba

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Are antibiotics effective in preventing and treating the new coronavirus?

A. Yes

B. No

C. Unsure